Guys!!! We are in 2017 (see how I wrote it correctly,you should be proud!) Well,we are finally in January and this month is my favourite and also my birth month.But can I be brutally honest with ya...I hate birthday celebrations and what not.
It all started when I was born,my mom was in the delivery room all alone and the rest of my family was nowhere to be found,fast forward a few years and there I was enjoying my birthday alone with a lot of adults.
Around the age of 8 years old my parents tried to do an actual party for my birthday but O
I hated the place they had rented and yeah,on my 9 years old birthday they rented the exact same place and I hated it again.
And I haven't had a birthday party (A PROPER ONE) ever since!
I'm turning 15 (as I'm writing this) in 45 minutes.I was born on 15th January 2002. This year my birthday week was no different,I won't be having a party tomorrow (15th January 2017) and I won't be doing s*** to celebrate it and being honest I don't even care.I'm not excited nor happy but this my situation.
Recently a friend of mine told me "If you are going through hell keep going" and that is what I'm going to do!
Me earlier today
Anyways I will talk to you guys tomorrow,stay save
Love you xx,
The velvet everythang
Let's bring it back,but like way back,back into the 70's 80's and 90's!
The era in which bigger was always better (we're now reliving this!!!! ALELUIA!!) But Back to my point,those were some amazing years we lived in fashion,we had sequins,big shoulders,strappy dresses pared with tees,high waisted jeans,...and yeah!!...velvet,we had velvet!
Velvet,the sweet,soft,aesthetically and fisically pleasing velvet! It was big and now one failed to see just how amazing it was.
And now,a few years later,here we are pleasing or hopes and dreams wearing velvet everythang!
Velvet is everywhere and it just makes my soul so happy! It doesn't matter if you where it in a choker or in a cool lingerie top,velvet is here to stay and damnnnnn...I ain't mad,I ain't mad at all!
Yours truly wearing a velvet top
Well now I gotta go,but I assure you I could sit here and talk about velvet all day!
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We all know that oatmeals are super trendy right know and it's impossible not to like them since they´re so easy to put together...
By that being said here are the steps to me breakfast oatmeal,
Breakfast Oatmeal (4 servings)
You will need:
1 1/2 Old fashion rolled oats
1 Cup of Milk (the same cup you used for your oats)
Hand full of berries (optional but so good)
Cinammon (again,totally optional)
The night before mix in a bowl the oats and the milk and leave it there.
When you wake up in the morning a promise you will have amazing milk soaked oats (Looks weird,that's delicious)!
After that you only need to add(if you want,but I recommend giving it a try) the berries and the cinammon.
And know enjoy!!
Bon appétit!! xoxo,
Finally starting with the fashion part of my blog I decided to talk to you about my big love for one of the biggest fashion houses,Chanel!
As any other "fashion girl" (laughs in spanish,I know) the love a have for this brand is HUGE (Caps Lock need it).
My grandmother,when younger,worked for a designer and we can say I got it from her!She teached me alot about fashion.But the best thing I learned was that Chanel was a HUGE fashion house (and there tweed jacket is/was amazing).And she used to dress in H to T Chanel.
I grew up to love this,and I obviously do! My take on this?!Chanel is a huge house and it's timeless and it will always be around,simply because they know how times change and they know how to change with it.
By that being said,have you seen they're Fall-Winter 2016/17 Ready-To-Wear Show?!?!? It was A-MA-ZING!!! Bow down to Karl Lagerfeld for,once again, change this known brand!

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